Bergamont Sweep 6 2023

SKU: 290937-055

Size: 55 cm
Color: orange
Frame form: diamond
Sale price2.699,00 €

Tax included Shipping calculated at checkout

Sold out
Mark your area with invisible power: Light, minimalist mahle X35+ hub motor with a maximum torque of 40 Nm and fully integrated 250-apartment battery. The Shimano Claris 1x8 speed circuit guarantees you the ultimate dynamic city experience.
AkkuMahle Akku im Unterrohr integriert. 36 V Li Ion. 250 Wh
Kapazität (Wh)250 WH
BereifungSchwalbe Spicer. 40-622
Bremshebel hintenSHIMANO BL-MT200. hydraulische Scheibenbremse
BremshebelSHIMANO BL-MT200. hydraulische Scheibenbremse
Bremse hintenSHIMANO BR-UR300. hydraulische Scheibenbremse
BremseShimano BR-UR300
Bremsscheibe hintenSHIMANO SM-RT56 / 160mm
BremsscheibeSHIMANO SM-RT56. 160 mm
KassetteShimano CS-HG41. 11-34t
Einsatzzweck ShopFilterTour
EinsatzbereichSport & Fitness
Farbe Shopfilterorange
FelgeSyncros Capital 2.0 Laufradsatz. Disc. mit Mahle X35+ Nabenmotor
Felge hintenSyncros Capital 2.0 Laufradsatz. Disc. mit Mahle X35+ Nabenmotor
GabelSweep Aluminium. Flatmount-Aufnahme. drei Befestigungsösen pro Seite. Schnellspanner
Gewicht17.5 kg
Grundfarbe ZEGorange
HerstellerBergamont Fahrrad Vertrieb GmbH
Nabe (Hinterrad)Syncros Capital 2.0 Laufradsatz. Disc. mit Mahle X35+ Nabenmotor
KetteKMC Z8
Körpergröße bis165 cm
Körpergröße von175 cm
LenkerSyncros 3.0. Riser Lenker. Breite: 660 mm
LenkergrifeSyncros Urban
MotorMahle Hub Drive X35 M1 25/40Nm
PedaleUrban Aluminium
ProduktgruppeFitness Bike
Radgröße28 Zoll
Lenkerbreite (mm)660 mm
Rahmenhöhe55 cm
Rahmenmaterial ShopFilterAluminium
SattelSyncros Tofino 2.5
SchlauchSchwalbe SV17A Light
SchalthebelSHIMANO Claris. SL-R2000. 1x8-fach. Rapidfire Plus-Schalthebel
SteuersatzAcros. A-Headset. semi-integriert. 1.5". mit integrierter Kabeldurchführung
SchaltwerkSHIMANO Claris. RD-R2000. long cage
KurbelgarniturFSA CK-201. 42t
Zulässiges Gesamtgewicht130 kg
*Currently free shipping from 49,-€ in Germany & Austria!

Shipping Costs Germany

Parcel shipping with DHL 2-4 days (spare parts, accessories, clothing) 3,95 €
Bicycle shipping standard 3-5 days 19,00 €
Bicycle shipping Overnight (business day to business day) 39,00 €

Shipping Costs Austria
Parcel shipping with DHL 2-4 days (spare parts, accessories, clothing) 3,95 €
Bicycle shipping standard 3-5 days 49,00 €
Bicycle shipping Overnight (working day on working day) 69,00 €

Shipping Costs France
Parcel shipping with DHL 2-4 days (spare parts, accessories, clothing) 9,00 €
Bicycle shipping standard 5-7 days 59,00 €

The collection of the goods (Click & Collect) in our store is always free of charge. In addition, we deliver goods with our own delivery vehicle up to a radius of 30 km and charge a flat rate of € 9.95 for this.

Would you like to lease a Bike or an E-Bike? We work with all common leasing providers. A step by step guide and the application form "Leasing request" can be found below on this page.

Step by step instructions "Leasing Request":

  1. Put your Bike and possibly accessories in the Basket
  2. If you have selected all the products go to the Check Out
  3. Choose the shipping method
  4. Choose as a payment method: "Leasing request"
  5. Complete your order
  6. On the order confirmation page you will find the link to Application form "Leasing request"
  7. Follow the instructions and Fill the application form completely
  8. Send the application form "Leasing request"
  9. Wait for the Confirmation from us. If the leasing relationship comes into being, you will be informed immediately by us and can pick up your bike or we will send it to you.****

If the leasing is not confirmed, no costs will be incurred for you.

Thank you for choosing Hild Radwelt!

{Formbuilder: 32930}

*As soon as the leasing application has been checked, it will be checked again by the employer and the leasing company. This can take 1 to 4 weeks (confirmation depends on the employer and the order situation of the leasing company).

** For online leasing processes, we charge a service flat rate of € 149. This is collected when a leasing is created in connection with the shipping of the bike. The service flat rate includes the contract processing as well as the entire logistics with packaging & shipping, mail order insurance and delivery on the day of your choice.
(With Jobrad, the flat rate can be included in the leasing rate, for other leasing providers it is billed individually.)

*** With the delivery of a Pegasus E -Bike, you will receive a frame lock with chain for € 49.95. 

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