Service bike leasing for self -employed & freelancers
E-bike and bicycle leasing for the self-employed
Not just employeesand employerBenefit from the service bike model. Bicycle leasing is also an inexpensive, healthy and environmentally friendly addition or alternative to the company car for self -employed, freelancers and traders. Regardless of whether Pedelec, S-Pedelec or traditional bicycle-choose your desired wheel and cycle relaxed in the future.
The 1%regulation not only applies to employees, but also to them. With the difference that you expect 1% of the quarterly new bike price to your annual sales. You will increase your sales marginal. You can of course also use the bike privately. You should only clarify the proof of official use with your tax advisor. This is the decisive peculiarity of service bike leasing for the self -employed.
Our leasing providers
Broadcast leasing is a matter of trust. The interaction between the employer, lessor and specialist dealer has to work smoothly - the only way to benefit from the service bike user benefits from his bike/e -bike.
Below you will find the full list of our business partners from the business bike world. Each provider has a personal page on which you can learn more about the services offered and receive calculation examples.
As a 100%subsidiary of the Zweirad-Ebaufsenossenschaft eG (ZEG), Eurorad Deutschland GmbH is developing new business areas for modern mobility solutions. The company's mission is to help shape everyday life innovatively and thereby make mobility more efficient, more environmentally friendly and ultimately affordable for everyone.
Eurorad: learn more
Bikeleasing-Service GmbH & Co. KG is based in Uslar in southern Lower Saxony and in Vellmar in Hesse. Since its foundation in 2015 until today, the company has been working with over 4,000 bicycle dealers nationwide and more than 15,000 companies.
Lease A Bike is the Bike Mobility Service GmbH's own duty bicycle leasing concept. Bike Mobility Services GmbH is a subsidiary of Derby Cycle Holding GmbH. Derby Cycle Holding GmbH is the largest bicycle producer in Germany after sales. With its brands Kalkhoff, Focus, Raleigh, Univega and Rixe, Derby Cycle sells almost half a million bicycles every year, including over 100,000 e-bikes and pedelecs, in which Derby Cycle is a leader in Germany. A sister company from Derby Cycle is the bicycle manufacturer Gazelle. Both companies belong to the PON group of companies.
With, Baron Mobility Service GmbH has been one of the leading providers in the field of bicycle leasing since 2012. The company supports employers and employees in carrying out service bike leasing, advises on the selection of company bikes and offers comprehensive insurance protection. Bicycle leasing strengthens employee loyalty or motivation, sets incentives for the more frequent use of the bike on the way to work and offers a sustainable alternative to the car.
Mein Dienstrad: learn more
Behind business bike is the financial service provider Regonova from Neustadt an der Aisch, who has created ecological and sustainable concepts for a wide variety of industries since 2012. Business bikes make bicycle leasing at most easy.
For employers, employees and the self -employed and of course also for specialist dealers.
Part of El Leasing & Service AG The El Leasing & Service AG is a second generation family company. With the Eleasa brand, the company links over 30 years of experience in leasing with the new requirements of the modern working world.
The name Kazenmaier has stood for mobility, competence and high service standard for decades. The company can look back on a long tradition: it offers powerful tools for internet-based management for operators of vehicle fleets. In 2018, the portfolio with service bike leasing was successfully expanded.
The German service bike enables employees to have simple and affordable access to the mobility of the future. As a traditional family business, the German service bike attaches great importance to personal service in combination with efficient digital processes. The overall concept can offer companies a flexible, low -effort and cost -neutral offer.
Welcome to the German Smartlease, your digital leasing partner.
What distinguishes us from other leasing companies: We offer almost paper -free leasing - digital and reliable. We make your work easier. Our efficient online platform and web app finally reduces the "paper stuff" to a minimum. Secure. Quickly. Smart. You register once, free of charge and conveniently via our website and keep an immediate leasing offer online. This works quickly and reliably on the smartphone and also simply on the desktop.
German Smartlease: Find out more
The company bikefor employees. Company Bike was founded in 2012 and we are one of the leading providers for company cycling leasing. We currently serve around 8,500 company locations across Germany. We would be happy to support you in the introduction of a company bike in your company.
We have been passionate about our favorite topic for many years. We would like to inspire you, your colleagues, your boss, your employees, your partner, your family, your friends, your customers. Inspire for movement in fresh air, sport, electromobility, in short for freedom on two wheels.
The history of the AMS begins with the idea of the car division. We now offer different mobility services. As a leasing company, we finance vehicles and machines of all kinds. As a mobility service provider, we offer a concept that combines different instruments - from bicycle to car.

Vorteile beim Dienstradleasing als Selbstständiger
- Die monatlichen Leasingraten können als Betriebsausgaben geltend gemacht werden, und verringern somit die Steuerlast.
- Der Verwaltungsaufwand ist aufgrund der Onlineportale der Leasinganbieter gering.
- Mit der monatlichen Leasingrate sparst du dir hohe Anschaffungskosten und verbesserst die Liquidität.
- Du profitierst als Selbstständiger doppelt vom Fahrradleasing. Auf der Arbeitnehmerseite als auch auf der Arbeitgeberseite.
Unsere Leasingpartner
Dienstradleasing ist Vertrauenssache. Das Zusammenspiel zwischen Dir, Leasinggeber und Fachhändler muss reibungslos funktionieren - nur so profitiert du in vollem Umfang von deinem Fahrrad/E-Bike.
Wir arbeiten mit den marktführenden Leasinganbietern zusammen.
Als Selbstständiger hast du die freie Auswahl zwischen den zahlreichen Leasinganbietern. Wir beraten dich gerne, und helfen dir dabei den richtigen Leasinganbieter zu finden und dich auf ein Dienstrad zu brignen.